


  • お申し込みについて


  • 残金のお支払いについて


  • 衣装について

    • 衣装はご連絡頂いた順にお取り置きをしておりますので、他のお客様とご希望が重なった場合はご用意できない場合がございます。
    • 持ち込み衣装(お客様自身で用意された衣装など)を着用される場合、撮影時の汚損・破損について弊社はその責任を負いかねます。
    • 着物着付けに必要なコーリンベルト・袖止めクリップに関して、撮影のポーズや角度によって写真に写る場合がございます。このベルト・クリップは見えていても問題がないため、撮影後に写真修正で消すなどの対応は致しかねます。

  • ヘアメイクについて


  • アルバムについて

    写真セレクト前 5,500円
    写真セレクト後 アルバム・印刷アイテム代金の100%

  • ペット同伴の撮影について

    • 衣装を着用中、抱きかかえての撮影は不可です。(横に並んで撮影可能)
    • 撮影中、ペットのお世話をして下さる同伴者が必要です。
    • ロケーションによっては、ペット入場禁止の場合があります。
    • ペットの糞尿汚れや衣装の破損があった場合は、クリーニング費用及び修繕費用として30,000円(税込)を頂戴します。
    • その他ペット同伴により生じた損害について、すべてお客様の自己責任とさせていただきます。
    • 上記ご確認の上、撮影当日同意書にサインをお願い致します。

  • お客様都合による延期・キャンセルについて

    • 日程変更は撮影日の1か月前まで無料で承ります。(一部例外あり)
    • 前日までのキャンセルは30,000円を頂戴します。(内金を充当致します。)
    • 当日キャンセル・延期の場合は、ご予約頂いた撮影内容の全額料金を頂戴します。

  • 売買契約について

    • 弊社はお打ち合わせの過程などにおいて、
    • また弊社が妥当と判断した場合

  • ロケーションについて

    • 花や自然物との撮影をメインにしたロケーションについて
    • イベント開催や工事などにより、サンプル写真と異なる撮影に変更する場合があります。
      また、同様にロケーションの利用制限を受ける可能性があります。 ロケーション管理者から受けた要請、制限について弊社はその責任を負いかねます。
    • 当日キャンセル・延期の場合は、ご予約頂いた撮影内容の全額料金を頂戴します。

  • ロケーション撮影で雨天による延期・キャンセルについて

    • 雨天による前日までの延期は無料で承ります。(一部例外あり)
    • 前日までのキャンセルは30,000円を頂戴します。(内金を充当致します。)
    • 当日キャンセル・延期の場合は、ご予約頂いた撮影内容の全額料金を頂戴します。
    • その他、各ロケーションごとにお伝えしている留意事項についてご了承下さい。

  • ロケーション撮影で雨天の場合の判断について

    • 撮影前日15時時点の天気予報で降水確率が50%以上の場合、前日の段階で延期の判断を致します。(一部例外あり)
    • 遠方からお越しで前日入りそれよりも前にお越しの場合、
    • お支度が終わり出発前に雨の場合できるだけ雨の止むタイミングを見て撮影致します。
    • 前日時点で降水確率が50%を超えており、お客様判断で撮影の決行をご希望された場合、
    • 衣装数2着以上のロケーションプラン撮影の途中で雨が降った場合
      (例 1点プラン128,000円 ×2 =256,000円 -20,000円 → 236,000円(税込259,600円)
    • 雨天による当日キャンセル・延期の場合は、ご予約頂いた撮影内容の全額料金を頂戴します。
    • その他、各ロケーションごとにお伝えしている留意事項についてご了承下さい。

  • 延期の場合のキャンペーン料金適用について


  • 撮影当日について

    • 撮影中はできるだけお客様の負担が無いように進めますが、万が一、体調不良等を起こされた場合、弊社はその責任を負いかねます。
    • 妊婦様については、着付けをゆるめにしたり、撮影ペースを落とす等、最大限の配慮をいたしますが、万が一、体調不良等を起こされた場合、弊社はその責任を負いかねます。
    • 撮影中に万が一、体調不良等を起こされた場合は撮影を中止することもございます。この場合、ご予約頂いた撮影内容の全額料金を頂戴します。減額は致しかねますのでご了承下さい。
    • ヘアセット、メイクアップに使う化粧品について。なるべく体に優しいものを使用しておりますが、万が一、お肌の荒れなどの症状が出た場合、弊社はその責任を負いかねます。
    • 撮影中に生じた事故等によりお客様が負傷された場合、弊社の過失によるもので無い限り、その責任を負いかねます。
    • 車での移動中の事故等により生じた損害について弊社はその責任を負いかねます。
    • 金銭や貴重品の盗難、紛失につきまして、弊社はその責任を負いかねます。貴重品ボックスに入れていただくか、撮影場所までご持参いただくようにお願い致します。
    • お客様の過失により衣装や機材が破損した場合、状況を考慮の上、修復にかかる費用の負担をお願いすることがございます。

  • データのお届けについて

    • データは撮影日より3週間後のお届けとなります。
    • 繁忙期(春・秋)は通常よりもお届けに時間がかかることがございます。
    • 画像データは長辺約4000ピクセルのjpg形式です。編集前のデータはお渡ししておりません。
    • データご納品後、3ヶ月を経過したものはいかなる理由でもレタッチ・修正などの再編集は行いません。

  • 補償について



Terms of Service

Thank you for using and considering our services. We would like to inform you of the following information

  • About reservation

    Your reservation is completed After agreeing to the terms and conditions and paying the deposit : 30,000yen.
    The Deposit is NOT refundable once your reservation is confirmed.

  • About paying the rest

    The balance of the fee will be paid within 1 week after the photo shoot.
    Cash and credit card settlement is NOT available.

  • About costume

    • The priority of costume reservation is determined by the order of appointment. If the costume you choose when you apply for an appointment has been reserved by other customers, it cannot be provided for you. If the above situation occurs, we will contact you as soon as possible.
    • If you wear costumes that you have prepared yourself, Please NOTE that we do NOT take any responsibility or liability for any stains and damage caused through our service.
    • During the kimono dressing process, belts and clips are worn to keep the kimono in beautiful condition. These may appear in the photos depending on the pose and angle of the photo shoot.
      It’s not a breach of etiquette even if these are visible in JAPAN
      Therefore, we will NOT be able to retouch (:erase) them.

  • About Makeup

    Please inform us in advance if you have sensitive skin or allergies.
    Customers may be asked to bring their own cosmetics, so please consult with us.

  • About printed production

    If you cancel your order for a photo book or printed production,the following cancellation fees will apply.
    before selecting photos for a photo book:5,500 yen
    After photos have been selected :100% of the order price

  • Photo shooting with Pets

    • No hugging is allowed while wearing the costume.
    • You need a companion to care for your pet while you are shooting.
    • Some locations do not allow pets.
    • If there are pet feces and urine stains or damage to costumes, we will charge 30,000 yen (tax included) for cleaning plus repair costs.
    • All other damages caused by accompanying pets are the sole responsibility of the customers.
      Our company assumes no responsibility.
    • Please read the above and sign the consent form on the day of the photo shoot.

  • About Cancellation for customer's circumstances

    • You can reschedule for free while at least one month before the shooting date. If you apply for rescheduling within one month, we will charge a handling fee of 22,000yen(with tax).
      ※Holiday fee will be charged while the reschedule date is weekends and holidays.
    • If you cancel at least one day before the photo shoot ,We will charge you 30,000 yen.
    • If you postpone or cancel on the day of the photo shoot due to your circumstances, we will be charged full amount.
      : you must pay the full cost of the photography plan.

  • About sales agreement

    • If it is discovered during the meeting process, etc. that you are in conflict with these Terms and Conditions or the law, etc., we reserve the right to refuse to accept your application without giving any reason, even after your application has been completed. In such cases, we shall not refund the deposit.
    • Further, we also reserve the right to refuse to accept your application without giving any reason if we deem it appropriate to do so, even after your application has been completed. In such cases, we shall refund the deposit.

  • About Photography Locations

    • In locations where flowers and other nature scenery are the main subject of photography, blooming conditions and weather CANNOT always be guaranteed because they change from time to time and CANNNOT be predicted correctly.
    • The photos may differ from the sample photos shown on our website due to events or construction hosted by the location. In such cases, you may be subject to restrictions of the photo shooting location by the location manager. We are NOT responsible for this.
    • If you postpone or cancel on the day of the photo shoot due to your circumstances, we will be charged full amount.
      : you must pay the full cost of the photography plan.

  • About rainy day arrangements (for location plan)

    • If it is due to rain , you can be postponed free of charge.
      ※Holiday fee will be charged while the reschedule date is weekends and holidays.
    • If you cancel at least one day before the photo shoot ,We will charge you 30,000 yen.
    • If you postpone or cancel on the day of the photo shoot due to rain, we will be charged full amount.
      : you must pay the full cost of the photography plan.
    • Please note the other points to keep in mind that are communicated for each location.

  • For Location Photography Plan Customers, Situation assessment in case of rain

    • If weather forecast said the probability of precipitation at 15:00 of day before the shooting is 50% or more, we will discuss with you whether the photography will be postponed or not.
    • If you come from far away, you can discuss with us in advance whether the shooting will be postponed.
    • If it rains after clothes changing and before departure, we will check the rain as much as possible and take pictures when the rain stops.
    • If weather forecast said the probability of precipitation is 50% or more the day before the shooting and you decide to continue shooting, even if the photo shooting is suspended due to rain, we will charge the original fee.
    • If you postpone or cancel on the day of the photo shoot due to rain, we will be charged full amount.
      : you must pay the full cost of the photography plan.
    • Please note the other points to keep in mind that are communicated for each location.

  • About Campaign price applicable in case of postponement

    If you apply at the promotion price, you can change the price at the same price if you postpone within one month after the promotion ends.

  • About shooting date

    • We will minimize the burden on you during the shooting process, but we will not bear any responsibility if you are unwell during the shooting.
    • If you are pregnant, we will make every effort to relax the clothes and slow down the shooting process. However, we will not bear any responsible for any unwell during the shooting.
    • If you get sick during a photo shoot, we will stop the photo shoot. If that happens, we will be charged full amount. : you must pay the full cost of the photograph plan.
    • We use cosmetics that are gentle as much as possible for hair setting and make-up, but we will not bear any responsible for any symptoms such as rough skin.
    • Unless the accident is caused by us, we will not be responsible for any injuries caused during the shooting.
    • We will not be responsible for any injuries caused by traffic accidents.
    • We are not responsible for stolen or lost money or valuables. Please put it in the valuables box or bring it to the shooting location.
    • If clothing and equipment are damaged due to your negligence, we may consider require you to bear the cost of repairs.

  • About digital photo delivery

    • The digital photos will be sent by e-mail about 3 weeks after the shooting date. Other upgrade options (such as adding albums) will take time to produce.
      (Detail please refer to「Albums and printing product」
    • ※During the peak season (cherry blossoms and maple leaf), it may need longer time to process. If you need an urgent shipment, please contact us in advance.
    • Digital photos are jpg files with a length of about 4000 pixels. Unprocessed photos will not be sent to you.
    • The degital Photographs will NOT be retouched , re-edited for any reason after 3 months from Delivery of photographed images.

  • About Compensation

    If the shooting is not possible due to an accident or disaster, we will reschedule your time or refund. However, we cannot compensate you for expenses beyond the photography plan.
    From contract concluded to photo delivery, we will do our best to handle any emergencies. In any case, the compensation will not be higher than the cost of the photography plan.